Thursday, November 03, 2011

My Love Affair with Roses

Photo Art Friday's eTheme this week is to try something different, something we haven't previously done - a new technique perhaps.
My roses seem to be doing so well even though the nights have been downright cold for Southern Calif.  I played for two days with different textures, filters, blend modes.  I really like this one SOOC.
I do believe the Double Delight is my absoute favorite, hands down.  It has beautiful form (the perfect point that opens magnificently.  It has a luxurious fragrance.  It has incredible variety -- no two blooms are ever quite alike.  Some have more red.  Some are almost white with just a tinge of red on the edges.  And some have quite a bit of yellow when they are first cut.
I love all kinds of flowers and foliage in the garden, but it's really hard to beat roses.  They really add joy to my life!
I love the subtle look of this with French Kiss' 
"Stone Blush" texture and French Kiss' "French Script" brushes.
and then there's
this look with French Kiss' "Stone Blush" and "Purple Prose" textures.  I'm in love with this look.
or maybe
this look with FK's Stone Blush texture and French Script brushes plus Topaz Adjust filters.  Don't they just look delicious?
Then there's this fun look I got by using Topaz Adjust filters. 
Everyday's a special day when I can spend time playing with Photoshop.  I love that I can take the worst images that I would have discarded and make them star quality!
Oh yes, I almost forgot.  I'm taking another class with Marie Otero called "Digital Photo Magic".  The beautiful Double Delight below is from my week 1 projects.
and finally something a little different for Photo Art Friday. I used Kim Klassen's "Canvas Back" texture.
Hope you are planning on checking out the exquisite art work from everyone participating in 
Photo Art Friday.

I'm linking to:

Photo Art Friday


kareninkenai said...

Wow - Marilyn - lots of work. Didn't you take the PM when I did, too, with Marie (but, it could have been one of three) -- are you doing it again, then? Gosh, your work is beautiful. Fantastic job. Kudos. Hugs from really cold country. LOL - kareninkenai

Merike said...

Stunning! So romantic, rich, dreamy and what else... Gorgeous!


johanna said...

FANTASTIC results, all of them! i think my favorite would be stone blush/purple prose. just gorgeous!!

Carol aka Traveller said...

these are all gorgeous

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

I love the variety in the editing work you present here! They are all beautiful - my fav would be the first edit.

I have to admit because of where I live, and some old (now out-dated) French Canadian customs of photographing the dead in their coffin and giving the pics to people who attend the funeral - my mind jumped to that when I looked at the last image... and I found it rather unsettling.

Makes me think that perhaps none of us actually see the same thing when looking at an image ... so much of what we see is what we project onto it ...

Provocative last image that has me thinking Marilyn! Thank you - and thank you for sharing with Photo ARt Friday.

Kathy Reed said...

The French Script is lovely with so many things...

Pat said...

I think the Stone Blush texture works really well with your lovely rose photo!

Ida said...

Oh my gosh these are amazing! I couldn't decide which one I like the most.

summerland cottage said...

...absolutely LoVe the results with the french kiss texture !
Thank you for sharing the inspiration.

Unknown said...

Hi Marilyn, love your work, love love roses they are the best! love what you have done with your images, especially the script.
Blessings from down under

Lost Aussie said...

A lot of lovely roses and lots of photoshop work! Beautifully done.

hannah said...

Marilyn, you've turned it into "Triple Delight". How inventive having that sweet little face floating amongst the petals.
That is a true American rose and very handsome.

Leovi said...

Excellent shots, I love the texture, color and framing of these precious petals.

Birgitta said...

Hard to chose one of you work here! Theý are all wonderful!

Unknown said...

I bet you had lots of fun when creating this series of art-photos with your roses!
All so different, one from another.
So hard to choose.
They all are great singly and as a group.

Patrice said...

Beautiful rose art!!!

Lisa Gordon said...

These are just gorgeous Marilyn!
Sending you wishes for a wonderful start to your week!

Linda Trine said...

Love all the different renditions of your roses...Beautiful!

Mihaela said...

great textures!

Terrie said...

When you start with such a lovely image, use such great textures and combine them so flawlessly, it's a joy to see the results! These are just gorgeous - each and every one.

Kim Stevens said...

These roses are spectacular! And I agree, they do add joy to one's life!! I have belinda's dream and it's a beautiful pink rose that starts out like a tea rose and ends up looking almost like a cottage rose, and the scent, oh it's heavenly. No disease or pests . . .

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Just wonderful !