Tuesday, November 10, 2015

So Many Toys

So many toys.....not enough time....
I don't know about your children/pets, but mine aren't satisfied until they have all their toys in the middle of the living area.  They, however, never put them back!  I love the commercial where the dog is talking about how his owners are not too smart.  They always hide his toys in the same place and then get excited when he finds them....then they hide them again in the same place.  If only our animals could talk.
After they have finished their game, Anna and Ollie have to rest!
Enjoy the day!
~ Give ~ 


jacki long said...

What a great shot, Marilyn!
I ♥♥♥ your Olie & Anna!
Oh, you & Mike too! ;o)

Marty Mason said...

This picture of your kids speaks volumes. What fun they must have had, tiring them to the max.