Sunday, May 24, 2009

Daily 5 x 4

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When I complained to my artist friend, Jacki, that I didn't have enough time to spend with my art, she said she couldn't go a day without making at least a small (4 x 4) collage of torn paper. She says she does them in front of the tv. So, I thought, "Well, any fool can do that". And I immediately put together some supplies -- glue stick, magazines, newspaper paper, wrapping paper, etc. That's it!! So here are my firsts ones. I think the top one needs something else to bring it all together, but I must remember this is just practice. Usually I fall asleep in front of the tv. This kept me awake but I still couldn't tell you what the tv was about. That means tv is a waste of time!!


Diane said...

What a great idea! It's good to just keep the creative juices flowing, I guess. These are very cute.

Sherry Goodloe said...

Hi Marilyn - Like Jacki, I have to create SOMETHING every day!

At home today, in between 4 loads of laundry, I worked on a couple of small canvas pieces out on the patio. *smiles*

Wasn't it a beautiful day today?

Barb said...

Hi Marilyn,
Luv your creations! :)