We lost our beautiful Lotus two days after Christmas. I'm sitting here looking at our Christmas card with her image.....
She was found in the summer of 06 near Pear Blossom Highway in the high desert (probably was used to hunt). She had four puppies she couldn't care for.
She was emaciated and very sick. We adopted her and the puppies got adopted too, thankfully. She came to us shortly after the rescue group got her and we nursed her back to health. Her coat was so "blown" that we thought she was totally white.
Not until it grew in did we see that she had brown spots and ticking. She had the most gorgeous white eyelashes too!!
For this photo
Mike put his tee shirt on her head and we decided she looked like a nun. We sent this in the form of a birthday card to his sister who teaches at a parochial school. She got a really good laugh out of it. We called her "Sister Mary Lotus of the Ascension".

This was the original shot of her jumping for a piece of carrot -- I used it for our Christmas card. If you click on it to enlarge you can see that piece of carrot in the air above her. You can see the Christmas card in the next post.
She had the most beautiful, expressive face.....
I'm remembering how I used to get so upset with her because she had this obsession with the waste basket in the bathroom. I called her the "dumpster diva". Now I would like nothing better than to see her getting into that waste basket!!
She will always be a part of us as are the others who have gone before her.
This one is a good example of how she loved her bed.
She was a very bright spot in our lives and we shall miss her terribly. Ollie, our whippet, seems to be missing her as much as we. He's just not his playful happy-go-lucky self. We love you, Lotus.
So sorry for the loss of your much loved friend. Mourn for your girl, but then let your memories allow you to smile when you think of her.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely dog. May she be frolicking in doggy Heaven along with our Precious.
Sending you big hugs. xoxo
I'm so sorry about Lotus. They really do get into our hearts don't they. I'm so glad you were there to rescue her when you did. Several years ago we rescued a golden retriever we named Orion. We had him a few years but in the end he had picked up a disease from all the ticks he was covered in from head to toe when we got him. But the time we had him he knew love and peace and companionship. So i take comfort in that. Hugs! deb
Oh Marilyn,
What a wonderful tribute to sweet Louts. Being raised Catholic, I got a good laugh from the adorable photo of the "nun!"
Thanks for sharing,
Warm hugs,
I had noticed that you hadn't been on your blog in a while, but chalked it up to the busy season.
I am so sorry for your very real loss. It is traumatic, and though time helps, the loss remains.Take good care. love, jacki
So Sorry to hear about Lotus. We have a special canine family member and we would be very sad without him.
Losing a pet is so hard...Blessings to you in the new year!
I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful Lotus. Losing a pet is so hard. What a great tribute to her, thank you for sharing.
So sad Marilyn. Our dogs are so much a part of our lives. Mine loves the waste baskets too. All of them. Chewed up tissues litter most of the rooms, most of the time. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful. Love the Christmas card.
What a beautiful girl, and I am so very sorry Marilyn.
They become such a big part of our families.
Yes, the beautiful images you've captured of this beautiful dog. Greetings.
oh I am so sorry that you lost your lovely dog. She looks as if she was a very wonderful friend. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos!
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