This is our last Photo Art Friday until the new year. Bonnie has asked us to select our favorite image to share. I went back through my archives and looked at so many pieces. The decision was just too much, so I'm sharing two. For the first image
I used a stock photo of a mannequin from Morguefile and blended her in with one of my paintings. I don't know that she is my best work but she is certainly one of my faves.
This next image is one of the first edits I did when I started working in Photoshop. It reminds me of the puzzle images we saw as children that asked something like how many different (fill in the blank) can you find hidden. I have my granddaughter's feet, an image of tree roots, an image of a poinsettia, a couple of the Morguefile's mannequins and a sheet of paper from a legal pad. Again these are blended with one of my paintings. I call this one "Tree of Life".
Be sure to visit Bonnie's website to see the other entries. Remember this is the last one until the new year, so get your fix now.