Thursday, October 30, 2008
Scraps & Miscellaneous
This is one of those projects that came from looking at other artists' blogs. I have looked at so many I can't remember who offered up this challenge, but it was to dig around in your supplies, pick several things you do not use and make something with your findings. Well, I did not have a problem doing that -- there are literally hundreds of supplies I don't use on a regular basis, and they are things I purchased because I just had to have them to enhance my art. Okay, the top pic here is the beginnings of a mini journal or mini zine using the items shown in the pic below it. I just grabbed and did not pay attention to colors or anything. Then it was "what am I going to make with this stuff?" I had my double plastic wrap overstamped watercolor papers, so I decided to make the mini journal/zine. I'll post more pics when I'm finished.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
I was really thinking about how much I wish we could have peace in the world. If we could only see ourselves as "one", because we truly are. The world would be so much better. It seems so naive but it's worth wishing for. That said, this is a page out of my journal. I used inks over gesso and attached an image that I printed on tissue paper. Then there is the ubiquitous rubber stamp. Where would I be without rubber stamps. They are what started my on my artistic path. My taste in rubber stamps has changed a lot, but they certainly have their place. I do love them. Back to my thought for peace, I heard John Lennon singing "Imagine" on the radio this morning. I've heard the lyrics many times, but today I listened. This is for you, John!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Double plastic wrap overstamped papers
Here are some more overstamped double plastic wrap background watercolor papers which I intend to use for mini journals/zines like the two below.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I've been working with transparency transfers. There is one success
on the bottom left of this page and one failure on the top right
I seem to have no problem transfering in this manner
with black and white but when it comes
to color, no luck. I'm using Golden soft gel matte
on both the image and the substrate
I tried several color transfers on scratch paper
and the same problem. I also tried spitzing with alcohol - no luck
with that either.
I'm going to try some other transfers with Great White paper.
Those work well for me. I just like the
instant gratification I get
with the transparency transfer.
I don't have to wait for it to dry completely.
It's been a frustrating morning, but this is how I learn.
Someone said "If at first you don't succeed, try try again!" It's not

very deep thinking but it's so true!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Face
My blog has been undergoing reconstruction. I drove myself crazy trying to create my own
banner to fit across the top and finally found out that my template would not allow for that. So I
changed my template. Now I just need to figure out how to add text to my picture that I'm
using. Stay tuned -- it may actually happen in the next day or two. We are having a really hot
spell in Southern California -- in the high 80's - 90's, so I think we will go to one of our favorite
restaurants and sit outside to enjoy the balmy weather into the evening.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Paper Bag Study 3
My third in a series of three paper bag studies. I used charcoal, graphite, colored pencils and a pitt pen. I really like the effect of colored pencils on the paper bag. Even though I know our eyes are not exactly symmetrical, I always try to get them exactly perfect. I missed perfection in this one. I'm just happy that I'm drawing something everyday.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Paper Bag Study 2

Second paper bag study. I'm really into the eye with the flower for some reason! Used charcoal pencil, colored pencils, Faber Castell pitt pen, some pigment ink, and the Uniball Signo white gel pen. I like the way the eye turned out. I'm really liking this brown paper too. I need to do a third for a series, so stay tuned! I eventually will do a self portrait and reading Mixed-Media Self-Portraits . I finally got a copy after waiting forever.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Paper Bag Study
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Still feeling "in the pink" I used
a large transparency that
I had made with
3M transparency. After
learning that 3M changed their
formula and it was no longer effective
for transfers, I kept them
to use for transparent
works. I like this
sketch and will probably use
it many times.
The heart is a piece of clip art
but it almost looks
transparent too.
Great Love

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Color Mixing Exercises
After reading Above the Mark's "how tos", I hit upon this color mixing exercise, and that is how I learned about the book "Blue and Yellow Don't Make Green". I decided to order the book and try the exercises. Beth at Above the Mark was even kind enough to post a blank worksheet for us to do the exercises on. Here are my first few exercises using two colors and then adding increments of white to get lighter tints. Below this series of exercises I posted a couple of my journal pages using one of the color exercises so be sure to scroll down. The information to purchase the book is included in that post as well.

Oops, didn't quite finish this one

Saturday, October 04, 2008
Color Study 2 Sample

Friday, October 03, 2008
Note Cards

Double Plastic Wrap Technique
The results of my attempt at Susan's
overstamped double saran wrap technique. I will post some more as I attempt to get a better result. The top one I tried on matte coat cardstock and found that watercolor paper is much better as Susan instructs. The middle paper was waaaaay too dark, so overstamped with white gesso. I like the colors on the bottom paper the best but spraying the rubber image did not work so well. Probably had the image too wet. Okay, back to the "drawing" board.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
It's Award Day

It's my lucky day again! Thank you, Michi, for this award! Gee, I'm going to have to step up here and get a little more creative with my blog - like figure out how to do a new banner/header. There are so many really creative blogs out there and I drool with the images, content and general layout of the blogs. Also so many of you are such creative writers!!! So it's my pleasure to pass this on to some very deserving artists. Besides being great artists, they are willing to share their talent with others. I've learned a lot from following these blogs, so go visit them and enjoy! Don't forget to pass this on to give others the joy!
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