A sample by D. J. Pettitt
Monday, December 28, 2009
Haven't you always wanted......... to combine digital photo editing with your art and make it look really special? I've signed up for D.J. Pettitt's class which begins Jan. 4. I love her work and I think I will learn a lot plus have fun with this class. Hurry over and check it out.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
What Lies Beneath?
This is my 12 X 12 on "MDF". I wish I had posted the very beginning stages, because even though it seems like just some paint "slapped on", this is about the third "generation" or third pass. The neat thing about this is that like almost all other art, there are no mistakes. It can always be fixed. I tried some purple on this -- didn't like it. Don't like it???? Just cover it up and move on. I'm not yet finished but thought I would post now. I'll try to post each "generation" as I do it. On my list of things to do this year - learn to make videos. I enjoy seeing how others put together their work.
This is my 12 X 12 on "MDF". I wish I had posted the very beginning stages, because even though it seems like just some paint "slapped on", this is about the third "generation" or third pass. The neat thing about this is that like almost all other art, there are no mistakes. It can always be fixed. I tried some purple on this -- didn't like it. Don't like it???? Just cover it up and move on. I'm not yet finished but thought I would post now. I'll try to post each "generation" as I do it. On my list of things to do this year - learn to make videos. I enjoy seeing how others put together their work.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Winter Wonderland
And what to my wondering eyes should appear...........
You know the rest.
. We have a beautiful home and garden shop in Newport Beach called Roger's Gardens. Every year at holiday time, they have their entire indoor accessory rooms decorated for Christmas. They have two rooms devoted to collectibles including Christopher Radko ornaments. Quite pricey but so much fun to visit. One table was laden with costume jewelry trees and a sphere. This artist must have spent many hours making these. One was all pearls and gold, one silver, one multi-colored, one all gold. The sphere was done in onyx and gold. Spectacular!! And, they were sporting price tags of $400 to $1000!! I'll have to be happy with the pictures. There was so much going on, I couldn't possibly post all the images, but you get the idea.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Unusual
Just look at this incredible card from Linda. I went to my mailbox Saturday and found this waiting for me. I think it is one of the most beautiful cards I've seen.
You should see this!!! The background cardstock is flocked. Then there is the gold mesh layer with frayed ends. Over that is the image and all the little fan and star elements have been set in beeswax or encaustic. This card really stands out!! Thank you Linda.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas!
Today I got out cards I made for past Christmases. Lots of memories.... I don't know about you but every year I swear I'm going to cut down on the number of cards I send. And every year, I don't because I can't figure out who I would want to cut. I'm just so sure (haha) everyone looks forward to my handmade cards, so every year I go into production mode for several days to produce these little gems. Then when I go back and look at previous cards I've made plus the cards I receive, I'm happy that it is still a tradition for me.
The mantle could use a little more pizzaz... will have to work on it. Do we have enough Buddhas? I forgot to tell you I collect them. The one on the hearth is usually where the tree is so the fireplace is a little overrun with them. They do give such a feeling of serenity though....
I simply believe that some part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to the laws of space and time.
~Carl Jung
The tree is all decorated.....
and even the big Buddha is ready for the holidays!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Today I felt myself back away from the chaos of the holidays.......I'm enjoying some quiet and solitude. Years ago our tradition was to buy for each family member on both sides. As time went on, we changed that tradition to drawing names and finally we have settled on gifts only for the children. Last year Mike and I gave one gift to each other. This year we said let's go out for a nice dinner. We don't need any more things. We are all decorated with the tree and mantle plus little white lights on the shrub outside by the entryway. The grands will come on the 18th to make cookies. This is a tradition we honor each year. It is so much fun. I've attempted bring some variety into the mix, but they are happy with the same sugar cookies decorated with colored icing and sprinkles!
I'd like to hear from all of you regarding
the traditions you celebrate. Perhaps you celebrate traditions other than Christmas. Do you bake, entertain, do you stay home, do you travel to stay with relatives or have a "destination holiday"?
Monday, November 30, 2009
It's the last day of November!!! Only one month left in this year. Where or where did the time go? The important thing is did I enjoy the process and live each moment to its fullest. Yes, I believe I did. Oh, I wasted some and squandered a bit here and there, but overall I have spent this past year doing exactly what makes me happy -- my art, learning Photoshop, sharing information with other artists. Oh, and of course, time with my family!!!
I have painted some more of my 4 x 4's. Still haven't done the 12 x 12. All this color makes me really happy. I like to sneak in the studio now and then and just look at them. They are fun and playful and speak to my organic nature. They remind me of my childhood when I did all kinds of finger painting and crayons. Yes, that big box of crayons was like gold when I was a youngster. My favorite colors were worn down to a nub. Those were magenta, purple, yellow, red, pea green and sapphire blue. Interesting that those are still my favorites.
So here are four of my little works.

I have painted some more of my 4 x 4's. Still haven't done the 12 x 12. All this color makes me really happy. I like to sneak in the studio now and then and just look at them. They are fun and playful and speak to my organic nature. They remind me of my childhood when I did all kinds of finger painting and crayons. Yes, that big box of crayons was like gold when I was a youngster. My favorite colors were worn down to a nub. Those were magenta, purple, yellow, red, pea green and sapphire blue. Interesting that those are still my favorites.
So here are four of my little works.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A departure from my journal art
I've been working feverishly the past couple days painting wild colors on 4 x 4 masonite panels. I like the freedom of movement, and you know what a sucker I am for color!!!! Haven't decided what to do with them yet. I'm going to do something similar on a 12 x 12 and will post when that is done.

I've been working feverishly the past couple days painting wild colors on 4 x 4 masonite panels. I like the freedom of movement, and you know what a sucker I am for color!!!! Haven't decided what to do with them yet. I'm going to do something similar on a 12 x 12 and will post when that is done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Collage Workshop
I was fortunate to take a workshop last week-end from Janis Marashlian. She provided lots of images, papers, accessories, etc. and we put them to work in our collages. I took pictures of the studio and the marvelous art hanging as well as a few collages of fellow classmates

And finally my piece.... The butterflies all around her head are Janis' idea. I love my butterfly maiden!!
I was fortunate to take a workshop last week-end from Janis Marashlian. She provided lots of images, papers, accessories, etc. and we put them to work in our collages. I took pictures of the studio and the marvelous art hanging as well as a few collages of fellow classmates
A Day in Encinitas
Mike and I spent a day in Encinitas visiting the Self Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens (so quiet and beautiful) and window shopping. Had a nice lunch at Thyme in the Ranch. A couple pictures below:

And finally lunch
Mike and I spent a day in Encinitas visiting the Self Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens (so quiet and beautiful) and window shopping. Had a nice lunch at Thyme in the Ranch. A couple pictures below:
And beautiful koi swimming in the pond fed by a small waterfall
And finally lunch
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
My First Art Show
Lots of excitement around
here. These are some shots of a few of the entries in a recent
city-sponsored, juried art show.
My first show and my little women
(12 x 12) were somewhat
dwarfed by the large canvases. It was a fun evening and important
to me as I wanted to see how the process works. The venue was Yoga Works, and all
was done in a professional manner.
We had the
usual wine and cheese
but also two gentlemen playing
a cello and acoustic guitar.
And best of all
I sold my first piece of art - my little woman with the butterflies
on her shoulder. That is probably the most exciting part of the
entire process. It inspires me to do more on canvas!! I seem to do most of my art in my journal
as a journal take up a lot less room than canvas. I have promised
myself to dig out that large canvas and do something with it as well.
Lots of excitement around
here. These are some shots of a few of the entries in a recent
city-sponsored, juried art show.
My first show and my little women
(12 x 12) were somewhat
dwarfed by the large canvases. It was a fun evening and important
to me as I wanted to see how the process works. The venue was Yoga Works, and all
was done in a professional manner.
We had the
usual wine and cheese
but also two gentlemen playing
a cello and acoustic guitar.
And best of all
I sold my first piece of art - my little woman with the butterflies
on her shoulder. That is probably the most exciting part of the
entire process. It inspires me to do more on canvas!! I seem to do most of my art in my journal
as a journal take up a lot less room than canvas. I have promised
myself to dig out that large canvas and do something with it as well.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Artful Voyage in Mexico
Everywhere onboard ship there was great art. I love this "crystal ball" which was atop the post of a railing. Be sure to click on the image to see the magnificent detail.

The two photos below were of art quite unique. I had to snap the photos at an angle to avoid the flash bouncing back at me. One of these is silver twisted into all kinds of kitchen utensils. The other houses four ironing boards with collages on top. I was quite taken with all of these.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Artful Voyage in Mexico with Tim Holtz
Our dinner group consisting of Sherry, myself, Karren, Linda and Lezlei.
Yours truly with Tim and Mario
Yours truly with Tim and Mario
We had wonderful classes. A whole new world for me. Lots of assemblage. I work at the speed of a turtle, so didn't finish any of my projects. If you want to see some great samples, look at Sherry's blog. She has some great photos. She spent hours in the studio which was set up for us with all kinds of supplies. We could work there in the off hours. If you have a chance to do one of Tim's cruises, by all means do so. There were so many give-aways. Those plus the instruction and projects were worth the price of the cruise.
Oh, and..... you can have as many desserts as you want, right Sherry????
Artful Voyage in Mexico with Tim Holtz
In port at Cabo San Lucas
Another ship in the harbor
The colors of Mexico
Pork for dinner anyone?
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