Taking Sebastian Michaels' class has been so inspiring.....a very different style than Kim's. They are both highly talented, and it's fun to learn new "tricks". This image is one of my first after starting his class.
I will say he has some of the most beautiful videos. I don't know what program he uses, but there is no need to change to full screen. The videos are pretty big
to start with.
Even though he says his classes work with PSE, and they do, there is still so much he can do in Photoshop
that I'm envious of. If Adobe were still selling their program and supporting it, I think I would buy it. Now it seems the only choice I have is to buy CS6 and not get support from Adobe or
purchase their Creative Cloud membership at $50.00 per month. I'm just not up for that. I realize I
would have access to all the latest in their software, but I don't use all their software. Dilemma.......I guess I will just stick with PSE and do as much as I can do with that program.
It's the same thing as......oh, I could take much better photos with an upgraded camera. I can still take good photos with my current camera.
But every time I see him do something cool in PS, I lust after it.