Hello all. Hope you are having a great week. I want to share with you some of the images I worked on the last few days. I'm backtracking to Week 5 of Be Still…"Be Still and Look for the Light". I managed to capture some morning light in my bedroom, and I took advantage of it for side lighting a few images. I was thrilled with the light shining through the flowers.
To begin, the image below was edited in LR and then taken into PS to add Kim's "Cool Grunge" texture. I metered for the geraniums in front.
I processed this in LR and used one of LR's black/white presets, then Topaz Adjust 5 for the fun silvery look, then into PS for addition of text.

I did nothing with this photo except adjust exposure and crop and add Kim's brush in Photoshop.
I'll be linking this to